Forest diversity and ecosystem services
Ecosystem services are used as a collective term for diverse interests and a wide range of products, benefits and services nature provides us. Swedish forestry has a central place in Sweden's economy, at the same time as Sweden's forests offer special biological values.
This means that the forest has special conditions for offering many natural benefits, such as timber, pulp, berries, hunting and recreation. IVL Swedish Environmental Institute develops methods and applications concerning ecosystem services related to forest diversity and forestry and investigates which business opportunities are linked to forest natural resources and ecosystem services. IVL investigates how ecosystem services and diversity indicators can be a tool for planning, balancing decisions and evaluating forestry measures, what interactions and goal conflicts there are between different ecosystem services but also how ecosystem services can bridge obstacles between different stakeholders.
Hire IVL to:
- Chart and make visible natural values and ecosystem services.
- Investigate which business opportunities are linked to the forest's ecosystem services.
- Analyze how ecosystem services can be a tool for planning, balancing decisions and evaluating forestry measures.
- Investigate what interactions and goal conflicts there are between different ecosystem services and how ecosystem services can bridge obstacles between stakeholders with different interests.