1. Start
  2. About IVL
  3. Board and management
The IVL office entrance and staircase full of card board cubes with the sustainable goals printed on them

Board and management

The Swedish Institute for Water and Air Pollution Research (SIVL) is the sole owner of IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute AB and, together with the business community and government authorities, is to establish co-operation on important issues in the field of the environment and sustainable development.

The Foundation co-finances research and development carried out by IVL, with a particular focus on applied environmental and sustainability issues with an interdisciplinary and system-oriented approach. The affairs of the Foundation are managed by a Board of Directors.

SIVL is responsible for the government funds made available for research and development co-financed by the government and industry. The Board steers the direction of the organisation through an annual business plan. Activities are divided into three thematic areas:

  • Sustainable environment
  • Sustainable transition
  • Sustainable society

The business plan with descriptions of the focus of research is produced by IVL with the support of the thematic areas' business councils. SIVL is also responsible for external evaluation of the quality and societal benefit of research.

Through its ownership and involvement in IVL, SIVL has been involved in applied environmental research for more than 50 years. During this period, activities have been developed and adapted to the environmental problems and challenges that have arisen in the public debate, in industry and at government agencies.

Today, the activities and research cover a broad perspective of needs from business sectors and authorities. The content of the research has also broadened and follows societal trends with a greater focus on sustainability.

Solutions to today's environmental and sustainability challenges often require a close dialogue between research, business and government. Creating meeting places for this dialogue is a fundamental part of the structure and activities of IVL and SIVL.

SIVL's board

The SIVL board sets the direction for our research, is responsible for funding and evaluates our research. The board consists of a chairman and thirteen members. The Swedish government appoints a chairman and six members. The other members are appointed by the business sector - industries that participate in co-financed research. The board is appointed for a maximum of three financial years. SIVL's chairman is also a member of the IVL board.

The SIVL board's task is to:

  • Establish the framework for the co-financed research, based on proposals developed by among others IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
  • Be responsible for the funds for co-financed research and research being used in accordance with the foundation's purposes.
  • Continuously evaluate the research funded by the foundation.

Peter Nygårds


Bengt Mattson


Birgitta Bergvall Kåreborn


Emma Gretzer


Göran Marklund


Helén Axelsson


Jonas Strömberg


Kenneth Collander

Stora Enso

Maria Ohlman

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Martin Svensson

The Swedish Energy System

Nina Cromnier

The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority

Nils Hannertz


Per Kallner


IVL's board



Alf Engqvist

Senior advisor

Anne Vadasz Nilsson

General director, Kammarkollegiet

Marie Louise Falkland

Senior technical manager, Outokumpu

Måns Nilsson

Executive director, SEI

Lena Westerholm

Head of sustainability, Ependion AB

Henric Brage

Manager strategic development, Södra Skogsägarna

Peter Nygårds

Senior advisor, SIVL

Sara Gorton

Head of sustainability, Skanska Sverige

Sara Brännström

Employee representative, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Linda Styhre

Employee representative, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute




Johan Gistorp

‎Department head, Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten

Staffan Asplund

Vice president, Product stewardship and Regulatory affairs, Nouryon AB

Anders Björk

Employee representative, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Andreas Englund

Employee representative, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Senior management team



John Rune Nielsen


Anna Söderholm

Vice President

Karin Sjöberg

Head of Environmental Monitoring

Mona Olsson Öberg

Head of Sustainable Business and Consumtion

Patrik Isaksson

Head of Sustainable Society

Anna Amgren

Head of Human Resources

Thomas Nilsson


Stefan Pettersson

Head of Research

Anna Holmquist

Head of Communication

Business advice

IVL's activities are divided into three thematic areas: Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Transition and Sustainable Society. All of the thematic areas have an Operations Council, which consists of members from government agencies, industry and IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL).

The Council will help to develop IVL's research activities through analysis of the business environment and needs, as well as dialogue on current environmental and sustainability issues between companies, government agencies and research. It is an important forum for conducting research and developing solutions to environmental and sustainability challenges together with industry and government agencies. Through the dialogue conducted in the Business Council, problems and challenges can be analyzed and knowledge gaps identified. This creates a basis for developing relevant research projects that create societal benefits.

The work of the Council is a meeting place. In addition to four annual meetings, several thematic meetings are organized each year together with the Council, to which selected stakeholders are invited. The themes for these meetings should be of relevance to Swedish industry and authorities and can cover environmental and sustainability issues of both strategic and more applied nature. Themes can also be designed to focus on challenges for specific sectors or geographical areas.

The members of the operational councils are appointed by SIVL in consultation with IVL and are selected to represent recipients of research results as well as grant and contractors in industry and government agencies.

Members of the Council are appointed on a personal basis and come from the following organizations: Boliden, Borealis, Formas, Husqvarna, the City of Gothenburg, the Pharmaceutical Industry Association (chairman), the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Preem and Västtrafik.

SIVL finances IVL's co-funded research

Both private companies and trade associations can take part in co-funded research projects.